
Dr. Donya Ball is a leader, author, and keynote speaker. She currently serves as superintendent of schools in California. Dr. Ball is a professor of both educational leadership and teacher education and is passionate about studying, writing, and speaking about overcoming leadership hardships. She published her first book of the leadership series, Adjusting the Sails: Weathering the Storms of Administrative Leadership, in 2022, followed by Against the Wind: Leadership at 36,000 Feet in December 2023.


Dr. Donya Bell’s journey from studying communications to discovering her passion for education was sparked by her curiosity, cultivated through tutoring with the America Reads program. This experience led her to prioritize people development over technical skills in school leadership, emphasizing the significance of listening and inviting input to build trust and involvement. Donya highlighted the evolving purpose of education, advocating for personalized learning experiences beyond standardized tests. She also underscored the benefits and challenges of connecting with diverse perspectives, emphasizing the importance of continuous learning and growth through exposure to varied viewpoints across industries and communities.

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Lyle Kirtman - 7 Competencies of Highly Effective School Leaders