
Andy Stephens was born and raised in a small town in Northwest Washington on the Salish Sea. After 17 years, he traveled to Los Angeles to play college baseball in the sunshine. He taught in the public schools of LAUSD for six years before moving to Boulder, CO, where he now teaches science at New Vista High School and at area colleges.


My conversation with Andy revolved around the unique educational philosophy of New Vista High School, where fostering curiosity is paramount, and Andy’s particular teaching style. We discussed innovative science classes designed to ignite wonder, with mixed-age groupings enabling peer learning and deeper engagement. The importance of school purpose and community acceptance in supporting this approach was emphasized alongside equitable teaching methods that cater to diverse student needs. Ultimately, the focus lies on education that sparks a lifelong love of learning, empowered by storytelling and connection – an approach with lessons beyond the classroom walls.

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New Vista High School