My Guest

Susan Engel is a professor at Williams College, where she teaches courses on developmental psychology and education. Her research interests include children’s curiosity, invention, and ideas. She is currently working on a book about Kindergarten in America.  


Summary / Key Topics

Lifelong learning and curiosity are essential for a thriving society. They allow us to adapt to change, solve problems, and create new opportunities. Yet, curiosity is often overlooked in education, leading to a decline in curiosity among children.

There are many ways to foster curiosity in children. One is to create a learning environment that is safe and supportive, where children feel comfortable asking questions and making mistakes. Another is to provide children with opportunities to explore their interests and learn at their own pace. Finally, it is important to model curiosity by showing children we are always learning and growing.

Curiosity is valuable in education because it motivates students to learn and helps them to develop critical thinking skills. Curious students are more likely to ask questions, investigate problems, and develop creative solutions. They are also more likely to be engaged in learning and retain information.

Education should nurture students' curiosity, helping them to become lifelong learners. This can be done by providing students with opportunities to learn about the world around them, develop their problem-solving skills, and connect with their own interests.

Resources / Social Media

The Hungry Mind: The Origins of Curiosity

The Hungry Mind: Psychologist Susan Engel's Call To Arms | WBUR News /

The Intellectual Lives of Children

Why Should This Be So? with Susan Engel - CHOOSE TO BE CURIOUS

Susan Engel - Psychology

Neil DeGrasse Tyson

George Land study