Schools are supposed to prepare young people for the opportunities ahead of them, but oftentimes the opportunities move faster than the school systems. In the last few years some of the world’s leading countries have made massive commitments to sustainability. Legislation like the Inflation Reduction Act has promised millions of new jobs in sustainability and, currently, our lack of labor force is a huge bottleneck in being able to meet the demands of these urgent legislative wins. What can schools do to create greener education to employment pathways and prepare younger generations for the jobs ahead?

Michelle Blanchet from Educator’s Lab and Mason Pashia from Getting Smart recently hosted a roundtable discussion to help spotlight where we are now and where we need to get to.

The panelists on this event were:

Thomas Riggle, Denver Public Schools

Tish Tablan, Generation180

Shonique Banks, Philadelphia Energy

Jordan Crolly, Philadephia School District