Today, the Getting Smart team will be exploring the future of work, artificial intelligence, and how all students can be prepared for what’s ahead. Joining the podcast to discuss this is Dr. Christina Gardner-McCune, an Assistant Professor in the Computer & Information Science & Engineering Department in the Herbert Wertheim College of Engineering at the University of Florida.


Christina stresses that the one key to getting students hooked on computer science is to allow them to follow their passions and to drive their learning based on something they are interested in or that they see as a problem or challenge that they can solve with technology. In this episode, she expresses her thoughts on this topic and tells several stories of students who didn’t initially connect with computer science, but came to love it. She also breaks down the five big ideas from AI4K12 that every K-12 student should know about AI, how she is working to change perceptions around computer science (especially for girls and students of color), her advice to students who feel intimidated by the subject, and gives her predictions on the future of work and AI.


Key Takeaways:

[:15] About today’s episode.

[:50] Janice of Getting Smart welcomes Christina to the podcast.

[1:11] How and why Christina ended up getting into computer science.

[3:25] Christina speaks about her current role at the University of Florida.

[6:03] Christina tells a story that illustrates her purpose as a professor as well as the perseverance of a motivated student.

[11:35] Christina breaks down the five big ideas from AI4K12 that every K-12 student should know about AI.

[37:14] How does Christina envision these big ideas being taught, getting into schools, and shaping education?

[42:00] When does Christina believe that these national AI guidelines will come out?

[43:27] How Christina is working to change perceptions around computer science for girls and students of color, and her advice to students who are feeling intimidated by the subject.

[52:23] What are Christina’s predictions on the future of work and how it's going to impact people and communities?

[59:36] To sign off, Christina shares a message to all students and teachers.


Mentioned in This Episode:

University of Florida

Getting Smarts The Future of Work series



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