Today, Getting Smart team member, Rebecca Midles, is virtually sitting down with Kelley Munger and Megan Marcus of FuelEd.

Kelley and Megan are both professional development consultants that specialize in social-emotional learning and relationship building. Megan is the founder of FuelEd. She started her career in research and helped lead the research efforts for the book, The Social Neuroscience of Education: Optimizing Attachment and Learning in the Classroom, by Louis Cozolino. Kelley completed her Ph.D. in Early Intervention and Special Education at the University of Oregon and is a researcher and licensed therapist working in areas of trauma, adult attachment, special education, and human development.

Join in the conversation as they talk about the intersections of whole-child and SEL, how to best develop SEL within teachers and leaders, and where educators can get started in their SEL journeys.

Key Takeaways:

[:09] About today’s episode with Kelley Munger and Megan Marcus of FuelEd.

[:55] Rebecca welcomes Kelley and Megan to the Getting Smart Podcast.

[1:04] How Kelley and Megan first met and came together with FuelEd.

[2:10] The differences (and similarities) between social-emotional learning, trauma-informed practices, and whole-child and whole-person work.

[4:52] How and why they incorporate all three lenses (of SEL, trauma-informed practices, and whole-person work) at FuelEd.

[5:04] Kelley describes what “attachment stories” are.

[7:56] The importance of identity and the differences in SEL practices for educators vs. students.

[16:10] About Getting Smart’s new report on what’s next in learning!

[16:46] Dos and Don’ts for teaching SEL.

[23:11] Key takeaways and advice for scaling, and more on the inception of FuelEd.

[26:36] How anti-racist teaching is being supported through SEL and the work that Kelley and Megan are doing at FuelEd.

[31:20] Kelley and Megan share some ideas on addressing large-scale trauma/collective stories to help educators and students.

[34:47] Rebecca thanks Kelley and Megan for joining the podcast.

[36:27] Where to learn more about FuelEd and the work that Kelley and Megan are doing in this world!


Mentioned in This Episode:

Rebecca Midles | Getting Smart


@FuelEdSchools on Twitter

Megan Marcus

Kelley Munger

The Social Neuroscience of Education: Optimizing Attachment and Learning in the Classroom, by Louis Cozolino

Getting Smarts Newest Report: “20 Invention Opportunities in Learning & Development

Getting Smart Podcast Ep. 308 — “Phoenix Charter Academy on The Primary Person Advisory Model


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