It is SO important to work together to get on the same page in a relationship, and that includes financially. Healthy financial wellness in a relationship consists of open communication, creating financial goals, knowing your WHY, working on your money mindset’s individually and together, understanding investing for your family’s future.
Most relationships fail and moist fights happen because of money, directly or indirectly. Therefore, a huge part of a successful relationship is working on your financial wellness.
Sandy comes from an upbringing of financial abundance and she has a very strong abundant mindset around money. I come from an upbringing of more financial scarcity and I have had to work through a scarcity money mindset, and its a work in progress - I’m still working on it at 33 after 10+ years of working on it!
My pain point from scarcity in childhood led me to go get my business degree and a Master’s degree in Finance, which led me into the finance world to go make a lot of money. I was able to make a good amount of money, but I still didn’t understand building wealth and financial literacy. I had to go seek that and learn that on my own. And through years of working on it, I was able to launch our own investment firm, buy 5 properties, 22 doors, make 4 venture capital investments, understand and invest in the stock market, and crypto and understand the risks and rewards. Sandy doesn’t;t have that experience, so that is her opportunity to work on, not just making money, but how to be a good steward of money, how to invest it, how to grow it, how to compound and multiply it.
It will be a life long work in progress but we realize we need to keep working on our open lines of communication around money, we individually need to work on our financial wellness, and we need to come together to have a family financial meeting at least once a month if not twice to get on the same page!
If this episode was helpful, share it with your partner and setup a financial meeting! And let me know if you enjoyed this episode!
Grateful for you!

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[2:09] Everyone in the relationship needs to work on their money mindset.[4:01] Coming from different places.[6:25] Our weaknesses can become opportunities.[11:23] Get on the same page.


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