What if we chose to look at our emotions as our internal guidance system? When we’re happy or filled with positive emotions that that is our body telling us YES, YES, YES! More if this! When we’re sad or down or anxious or depressed it is our body telling us there is something going on currently or in your life that is out of alignment or that we do not like and we need to fix that.

What if emotions are just emotions and when we label them as “negative” that is just our perception? What if instead of positive or negative we look at emotions and feelings as our body guiding us as to what is right and wrong for us? What if emotions and feelings were a call to action for us?

For example, let’s say you get anxious or are in a “negative” state Sunday night or Monday morning, thinking about the upcoming work week. That anxiety or stress is your body telling you, hey, you don’t like this. This isn’t good for you. You then have two choices to make it better: 1) change your situation so you don’t feel that way or 2) change your perception of the situation so you don’t react in a “negative” way to it. On the flip side let’s say you go on a nature walk and you feel alive and happy and vital and positive. That is your body telling you YES, more of this please!

So let’s start tuning into our emotions and recognizing them as our guidance system and use them to move towards a life that feels GOOD way more than it feels bad!

Links & Resources

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