Every successful entrepreneur has had a moment in their life where they DECIDED. Sandy and I like to call it a Decided Heart. You must have a Decided Heart if you want to succeed at whatever you do. You may have already made that decision, you may have a decided heart. I want you to DECIDE today to commit, or re-commit to your DECISION to play full out towards your dreams or your goals, towards your desired life. If you don’t, you’re simply being selfish. You were meant to live an awesome life. For more than just yourself. Make the DECISION to do what it takes to become a Champion. Every success starts with a DECISION. Not wanting something and being okay falling short, DECIDING that is where you’re going. A decision is the match that sets us on FIRE. People follow people with conviction, who know exactly where they are going. Success chases those on FIRE. If I want to build a 7 figure business, the journey isn’t going to be easy; daily action and hurdles and rejection and silence and small victories aren’t what sets me on fire, the end result, building the business, building freedom for my family, building a legacy, building a life of impact, helping others gets to where they want to be is what sets me on FIRE. So the first steps are knowing WHY you want what you want, and VISION and CLARITY on where you are going and then making a DECISION you are going to do it by any means. Shut the back door on quitting. What does making a DECISION look like? It is the ability to stay loyal to what you said you were going to do long after the mood you said it in has left you. A Decided Heart should not be just about setting a goal, but living by a standard. A goal is a something you reach. A standard is something you live by. A true DECISION means burning the ships. The ships are excuses, limiting beliefs, anything that will hold you back from reaching your vision. Burn them all, burn the ships, make becoming a champion the only option. There is no option B because you have shut the back door on quitting! BURN THE SHIPS!

Links & Resources

It's the season of gratitude! - Get Your 90 Day Habits Gratitude Journal Today!

[2:24] Leaders make quick decisions and then work to make it the right decision.
[3:22] Make a decision to recommit to your decision.
[5:06] Deciding is the match that sets us on FIRE, and success chases those who are on fire.
[6:15] A goal is something you reach - a standard is something you live by.
[8:02] When you decide "I will do this until..." you are destined to succeed.


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