Our choices become our children's consequences. Let that sink in. We heard that quote in a leadership training and were stopped in our tracks. If you don't have kids or aren't planning on it, substitute "legacy" for "children". When we decide to build a legacy, our life is no longer just about us, and that means all of our decisions will impact our children and/or legacy.

This is a powerful self-assessment episode that will get you thinking differently about the actions you take every day and how they are impacting your children, future children and/or legacy.

Tune in and if you love it, share it on instagram and tag @gettingmagnetic as we'd love to repost!

For all our network marketing listeners out there...

We're coming up on the last 90 days of 2021! That is WILD! There's no better investment than investing in yourself and your business and the best way to do that is the brand new 90 Day Habits Planner to help you map out your business game plan for the last 90 days of the year paired with the 90 Day Habits Journal to track your daily activity.

Get yours today and crush your last 90 days of 2021! Use code: GETTINGMAGNETIC15 for 15% off!

[2:24] Our choices become our children's consequences.
[6:20] When you walk into a room, do you light it up?
[7:30] Thinking about the big picture.
[9:10] I can't stay put because that will be my child's consequence.
[13:10] You need a safety net.
[16:50] Every little decision can make a difference.
[22:05] You are your best teacher.
[23:26] I am a leader worth following.

Let's connect!

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