Getting Down to Business® with David Weatherholt broadcast Saturday’s 9-10 am (AKDT) Fox News Talk KOAN 95.5 FM & AM 1020 – Stream:  Program podcast’s available on iTunes, GDTB.Biz or  Like Getting Down to Business® on Facebook join Dave’s LinkedIn group and follow Dave on Twitter at WaConsult.

does anybody really cARE?
Economic News Summary December 2012
Normally optimistic Dave is feeling pessimistic due to the consequences of our self-imposed economic quagmire.  There appears to be an overwhelming number of voters who do not; either care or understand the damage being done to our vibrant economy.  My generation, it does make me feel much, much …older, learned firsthand about the evils and cost of too much government i.e. the great depression, Nazi Germany and Communist Russia.  How do you feel?  I’d love to hear your thoughts email [email protected].

Nicole Dunne along with friends and family started an exercise business called Core Pilates.  Listen as Nicole tells the origin of Pilates and how they came to start their business.  This is another great business start-up story.  Find out more by visiting   

Adrienne Wilkerson and Jennifer Christensen, Beacon Media + Marketing, in the spirit of the New Year give us their 5 Steps towards Social Media Success on Facebook in 2013.  Listen for their great advice.  More advice is available at