Jennifer Hill asks Zak Griffiths what it is like being a Millennial trying to find his career path? Zak explains that he is simultaneously testing out three careers which include: being a professional golfer, a real estate agent and working on completing his civil engineering degree. He discusses the importance of figuring out what you want to do early in life so that you have a foundation to build your future on. Jennifer and Zak discuss the differences in the ways Millennials and Gen Xers approach identifying their career paths.

Zak Griffiths is a professional golfer turned real estate agent who is originally from Red Deer in Alberta Canada. Zak ranked as the 8th best junior golfer and played college golf for two years at the University of Nevada before becoming a professional golfer for three years. While golfing, Zak realized he had a passion for people and decided to pursue his real estate license, while also completing his Civil Engineering Degree from Cal Poly Pomona.