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Jennifer Hill interviews Tim Storey & Brandon Adams about their recent movie: “Think and Grow Rich: The Legacy.” Tim and Brandon discuss Napolean Hill’s principles for success and share their own stories of how those principles inspired them. They each share instances where Napolean’s principles impacted their life and how they approached various obstacles in their life.

Tim Storey is an acclaimed author, speaker and life coach, well known for inspiring and motivating people of all walks of life, from entertainment executives, celebrities and athletes to adults and children in the most deprived neighborhoods in the country. Tim has traveled to seventy-five countries and spoken to millions of people. He often meets privately to counsel high-profile leaders in various industries.
Along with a rigorous speaking calendar and private life coaching sessions, he also holds regular spiritually motivating intimate sessions across the world called The Study. He hosted an exclusive Saturday morning series on SiriusXM Radio. Recently, Tim was interviewed for a full hour segment of Oprah Winfrey's OWN "Super Soul Sunday". The episode aired on Easter Sunday, April 5, 2015. Since then, he was a speaker for "Super Soul Sessions" LIVE from UCLA and was a guest speaker at the ultra-exclusive PTTOW 2015 conference in Palos Altos, CA. He began a church in Yorba Linda, CA called The Congregation, which meets weekly and provides spiritual insight and direction for people of diverse ages, backgrounds, and needs.

Brandon T. Adams is a serial entrepreneur, owning a stake in a number of businesses, including the Accelerant Media Group, Live to Grind, Young Entrepreneur Convention, Arctic Stick (sold on Amazon), and an ice distributorship that serves three states.

Brandon is Co-Host and one of two Executive Producers of Ambitious Adventures, a reality television program focused on the compelling stories of young entrepreneurs around the country. He is the V.P. of Business Development for Think Rich Films on the film Think and Grow Rich: The Legacy and the youngest person to be featured in the film. In addition to his T.V. and film work, he is the host of the influential business podcast Live to Grind and has been the guest on over 100 shows. Brandon and his team at Accelerant Media Group work with high-profile clients like Kevin Harrington, John Lee Dumas, Think Rich Films, and others on successful crowdfunding campaigns (raising over $1.5 million dollars in the past year), branding, PR, and digital marketing. Brandon is also a regular on the motivational speaking circuit and loves to teach other entrepreneurs how to replicate his results.