Jennifer Hill asks Pam Jackson how she broke out of her comfort zone and lost over one hundred pounds? Pam shares her inspiring story of how she looked at herself in the mirror one day and no longer recognized herself. She then made significant life changes that led to her ability to successfully lose the weight and keep it off permanently. Pam now shares her story and her recipes on her blog and inspires others around the world to make the necessary life changes to live a happy and healthy life.

For the last 20 plus years, Pam Jackson had been extremely overweight. Her weight ranged from 250 to 260 pounds during that time. She knew she was at an unhealthy weight, but did not want to put in the effort to do anything about it. For an event she would lose 10 or so pounds with fad diets, but then she would always gain the weight right back after the event. In August 2011 at the age of 41, she decided to try again and not give up this time. She realized that losing and maintaining weight are lifestyle changes, not just a temporary diet. By January 2013, she had lost 100 pounds and as of today she is still enjoying her healthier lifestyle to the fullest.
On her blog she shares delicious recipes from my kitchen and other fantastic bloggers. Also, Pam shares some “get moving” exercise and her favorite things that have kept her excited and motivated about staying healthy.
Fin more on Pam's success stories on Everyday Health, Yahoo Health and Women’s Health

Want to join me for a night of all you can drink Patron and all you can eat tacos for charity? Then please donate $100 or more here: and that will count as your ticket for the March 11th event to raise money to build our first school in Senegal. Thank you!