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Jennifer Hill speaks with coach, speaker and facilitator, Megan Hill, about how to find a dream job. Megan gives tools for finding out what brings you joy and gives suggestions for ways to stop reacting and start choosing what you want your life to look like.

For over 10 years Megan Hill has been the creative force behind marketing and communication strategies for companies and clients in travel, hospitality, events management, self-help, and more. She lives on the creative edge and invites her clients to always consider what will create the most in all aspects of marketing and business creation. She leads the creation and strategy for marketing and social media projects for Access Consciousness worldwide. She hosts a regular podcast; The What Else is Possible Show. She's is a facilitator, coach and speaker while also juggling the busy life of being a working mum. She enjoys traveling the world and empowering people to know that everything they desire IS possible through Right Riches for You, a specialty program of Access Consciousness. Follow on Twitter at @AccessMegan.