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Jennifer Hill asks Landmark Forum Leader, David Cunningham, how someone can design their ideal job and create greater satisfaction and fulfillment in all areas of their life? David offers tools and exercises that listeners can use to see where they are stopped in living a created life. David also explains how we make decisions in our past that impact our current choices and once we put our past back in our past, we gain our power back.

David Cunningham, M.Ed., is a communication expert and seminar leader for Landmark, a personal and professional growth, training and development company that's had more than 2.4 million people use its programs to cause breakthroughs in their personal lives as well as in their communities, generating more than 100,000 community projects around the world. In The Landmark Forum, Landmark's flagship program, people cause breakthroughs in their performance, communication, relationships and overall satisfaction in life. For more information, please visit

David is a senior program leader and a Landmark Forum leader with Landmark. He has successfully led programs to hundreds of thousands of people around the world since 1991. David has been extensively trained in presenting and delivering Landmark's programs, material, and technology in a powerful and effective manner, and he achieves the highest ratings from individuals, organizations, and groups for his presentation and delivery.

David earned a Master's in Education from Connecticut State University and a Bachelor's in Education from the University of Connecticut. Before he began leading programs for Landmark, David served as the Director of the Connecticut Justice for Children Collaboration and the Director of Chapter Development for the National Committee for Prevention of Child Abuse.