Stever Robbins is an executive coach, a podcaster, and a serial entrepreneur. His podcast, The Get-It-Done Guy podcast, has over 27,000,000 downloads and has been number one on the iTunes bestseller list. He also is an author of two books, It Takes a Lot More Than Attitude… to Lead a Stellar Organization and Get-It-Done Guy’s 9 Steps to Work Less and Do More.



When you truly believe that you can be successful-in your career, relationships, and all areas of your life-that belief can manifest itself into reality. . Stever Robbins has been an entrepreneur since he was 14 years old, and shares his insight on everything from changing your mindset, setting a career plan, productivity, and using your creativity to do things that have never been done.


We Discuss:

Coming up with creative, new ideas to grow your business. Time management skills and becoming more productive. How to earn your worth and create a career plan. Changing your beliefs through Neuro-Linguistic Programming.



Get-It-Done Guy's Podcast

It Takes a Lot More Than Attitude… to Lead a Stellar Organization

Get-It-Done Guy’s 9 Steps to Work Less and Do More

Work Less and Do More: The Musical

Bill Donius on The Optimized Geek

Chloe Spencer on Marketing Speak

Livescribe Pen

Stever Robbins Career Plan

Email Stever

Stever Robbins



1) Are you creating a lot of excuses around a subject? Do you have negative feelings towards something? You may want to use NLP techniques to change your beliefs around those topics.

2) Create a life map: When a new obligation comes in, ask yourself “Where in this map does it go?” If you can't find a place that it goes in the map, say no to it.

3) Get Stever's PDF worksheet with the career planning exercise at



As always, thank you for tuning in. Please feel free to drop by the website to contact me or leave a comment. If you enjoyed this episode, please share it!


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