Mark Dhamma is an executive health and mindset coach, a fitness model, and a corporate speaker. He focuses on helping people look, feel, and perform at their best by optimizing their health and mindset. He is an expert on optimization of your biology and mindset, and has a master’s degree in positive psychology.



Living a happier and more fulfilled life starts with awareness. What brings you happiness? What is holding you back? How happy are you, really, in this moment? While there are many questions that we have around our own happiness, positive psychology and the PERMA method can help to answer them all. Find your joy and change your life, today.


We Discuss:

What the PERMA acronym stands for. How to find your happiness score, and how to improve it. Using mediation to find your “flow” and create more joy. Why you should use positive reinforcements to find more awareness.



Mark's PERMA Quiz

Flow by Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi

The Rise of Superman by Steven Kotler

Deep Work by Cal Newport

Cal Newport on The Optimized Geek

Jaiya on The Optimized Geek

Harville and Helen on The Optimized Geek

You’re A Fraud, And You Know It! Imposter Syndrome: The Plague For Successful People

Elissa Fisher Harris on The Optimized Geek

Mike Vardy on The Optimized Geek

Bart Baggett on The Optimized Geek

Ken Dubner on The Optimized Geek

Brian Clark on Marketing Speak

The Happiness Hypothesis by Dr. Jonathan Haidt

Michael Morelli on The Optimized Geek

Way of Life app

The Game by Neil Strauss



Find ways to get into the “flow”. Meditation or activities that require focus are great ways to become fully immersed in what you are doing. Other people matter. Humans are social and crave relationships, so meet new people often and keep those that you care about close to you. Take Mark's quiz for your evaluation on PERMA and to receive personalized tips on how to increase your own happiness and your well-being score.



As always, thank you for tuning in. Please feel free to drop by the website to contact me or leave a comment. If you enjoyed this episode, please share it!


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