Most of us have limiting beliefs and annoying triggers that we want to shed. It’s just part of being human. Today, we learn how to break through these things and more with two powerful processes called the Instant Miracle and the Peace Process. Christian Mickelsen is a best-selling author, speaker, and coach who shares these processes along with techniques like muscle testing and focusing on mindset to let go of negativity. Christian shares how these techniques can help all of us with letting go of our core problems and issues.

Find Out More About Christian Here:

Abundance Unleashed
Instant Miracle Experience
Instant Miracle Mastery
Get Clients Today
Get Clients Today by Christian Mickelsen
How To Quickly Get Started As A Personal Coach by Christian Mickelsen

In This Episode: [02:34] - Muscle testing and how fears and challenges hold us back. [03:25] - How all the things we want are available, but we hold ourselves back. [08:50] - Having money is not the key to happiness. Being born rich can be a detriment. [12:54] - How we are not victims of our circumstances our destiny is based on our own desire to create it. [13:27] - Being held back by things that are painful. [13:44] - Getting caught up in the story instead of appreciating how amazing life is. [15:16] - How not working was great for Christian, but then he needed to make bigger goals, contribute and have a challenge. [15:55] - Not everything is about sacrifice. A lot of it is actually deciding what you want. [19:54] - Focusing on being grateful and achieving abundance. [23:49] - Realizing that you are actually rich and owning it. [26:36] - Seeing the gift in a painful experience. [28:04] - The story about the woman who needed help crossing the river. [30:58] - Powerful techniques for change and letting go and freeing your inherent nature. [37:53] - Stuffing down our emotions and distracting ourselves to not to feel. The ultimate escape is to transcend the feelings and feel deeply. [42:28] - Limiting beliefs and things that can hold us back and the cost to our self-esteem. [42:57] - Feeling negative feelings to get to peace. Is it worth it to resolve the issues? [44:16] - How Christian used the peace process to overcome his fear of heights. [44:55] - Stephen used tapping or EFT to hang glide over Victoria Falls. [46:09] - The Peace Process resolves things in a permanent and powerful way. [49:20] - How unresolved stuff imprisons us. [49:52] - The Instant Miracle process is an energetic healing technique. [50:35] - Metaphysically we all have spirit guides. [51:22] - How Christian felt the presence of his spirit guides but didn't listen. [54:44] - How muscle testing ties into Instant Miracle or a connection to higher energy. [59:08] - How the Instant Miracle can help with a variety of fears and phobias and release emotional stuff and speed up the Peace Process. Links and Resources:

Tony Robbins Platinum Partnership
Power vs. Force by David R. Hawkins M.D Ph.D.
Letting Go: The Pathway of Surrender by David R. Hawkins M.D Ph.D.
Setting Your Heart on Fire by Raphael Cushnir
Tapping and Moving Energy to Regain Health: Fred Gallo
Abundance Unleashed
Instant Miracle Experience
Instant Miracle Mastery
Get Clients Today
Get Clients Today by Christian Mickelsen
How To Quickly Get Started As A Personal Coach by Christian Mickelsen

