We always talk the talk about gratitude but what does it mean to walk the walk of gratitude? 

There’s no doubt gratitude has become yet another coveted buzzword. If you get online for any amount of time, you’ll find gratitude practices, meditations, and memes all around the idea of producing ways to be grateful. But how does that actually apply to our everyday lives? Is what everyone is selling us online actually making a difference or is it all a fluke?

Today Michelle and Brad talk about gratitude from a higher level standpoint, as well as a more tactical approach. It’s true that gratitude can have a direct impact on our well being and our lives as a whole, but these practices should be more than just another task we cross off of our never-ending to-do list before we mindlessly go about our days. 

Gratitude is more about who we are, and how we can find ways to be grateful in even the seemingly insignificant circumstances. That’s what today’s show is all about.

We also take a deeper dive into why “shallow” gratitude is a-ok in this week’s Get Wellthy Bite-Sized pod on Patreon. Not to mention, we created a worksheet for our Patreon community that will walk you through a deeper level of gratitude for you to connect with. 

Listen today to hear more, and don’t forget to grab your gratitude worksheet from Patreon!

Episode Highlights: 

A study on gratitude and how it correlates to our moods.The benefits of having a gratitude practice.How gratitude impacts the way we view things like money and how we spend it.How to get into a state of gratitude.Michelle and Brad share the story of a pivotal season where they shifted to gratitude.Ways to implement gratitude into our lives.Baby Knox makes his grand debut with adorable baby grunts as he snoozes on the job.

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