In today's episode of 'Get Unstuck and On Target,' Mike talks with Carson Combs, co-founder of Carson and his wife Sharon have transformed the way thin brick, brick, and stone are purchased online, guided by their innovative tagline "Measure twice, click once."

In today’s episode of ‘Get Unstuck and On Target,’ Mike talks with Carson Combs, co-founder of Carson and his wife Sharon have transformed the way thin brick, brick, and stone are purchased online, guided by their innovative tagline “Measure twice, click once.”

Carson delves into their journey of starting at their kitchen table with a vision to revolutionize an industry that had remained unchanged for over a century. They have successfully demonstrated that even products that have been around for centuries can provide a phenomenal customer experience when bought online. Their efforts have assisted tens of thousands of customers nationwide with their brick and stone projects.

Listeners will learn about the intricacies of modernizing a traditional market, the criticality of a customer-focused approach in business, and insights into how Zenbuild is leading the charge in online retail innovation in the construction sector.

Carson Combs’ Bio

Carson and his wife, Sharon are the co-founders of Their company was built to make shopping and buying thin brick, brick, and stone as easy as buying anything else online. I love their tagline “Measure twice, click once.”

Like many entrepreneurs they started their business at their kitchen table with a vision to change an industry that has worked the same way for over 100 years. They believe that finding the products you want while having a phenomenal customer experience is how it should be, even for products that have been around for centuries.

Over the years they have helped tens of thousands of customers with their brick or stone projects and have shipped products nation-wide.

In This Episode…

The story behind transforming the traditional brick and stone buying experience
Zenbuild’s journey from a kitchen table idea to an industry-changing online platform
How “Measure twice, click once” reflects Zenbuild’s commitment to customer satisfaction
The importance of innovating in well-established industries
Key strategies for creating a successful online presence in a traditional market

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