If you're a rebel, freak, misfit, or geek who is tired of working for the man and has a burning desire to make money on your own terms through media creation and production, that is so freakin' killer and happy we found each other.

I'm Heather Zeitzwolfe, a long-time vegan, Gen-Xer, cat mom, drag queen enthusiast, and collector of weird dolls and lunchboxes. I understand what it's like to be a square peg in a round hole. After decades of feeling depressed and trapped from soul-crushing 9 to 5 jobs, I finally took the leap into entrepreneurship in my 50s.

I built my business on authenticity and passion, and I want to support you do the same.
Using my professional background in management, marketing, design, and finance, I'm here to help you monetize your talents and passion. Whether you're just starting out, have a side hustle, or want to take your business to the next level, this podcast will help you profit from your superpowers.

If you feel scared, that's okay; I've been there too…chained to my desk, locked inside a cubicle, living someone else's dream. But then, one day, I couldn't take it any longer and thought," If not now, when?"

Yeah, I had imposter syndrome. Despite all the degrees and certificates, I still feared failing. At the beginning of my entrepreneurial journey, I wasted time being stuck in my head, overwhelmed by all my ideas. Being an entrepreneur can be lonely, especially when you're an outcast. I needed a support system, but I was trying to do it alone. Then I decided to invest in myself and find a community with like-minded souls, and when I did, my business took off.
You don't have to do this alone either.

If you're ready to crush your fears, take action and do this scrappy, then together, let's Get the Balance Right.

Contact Heather: Instagram - LinkedIn - Email: [email protected]
Get Radical With Your Business: Facebook - Website
Book a Discovery Call (via Zoom) - Schedule
Zeitzwolfe Accounting: Website - Facebook