We're pulling back the curtain for this episode's on-air profit coaching session. We are joined by artist, teacher, and community leader of Artists Strong, Carrie Brummer.  As an artist, you can spend so much time being in your head, getting caught up in non-stop creation. However, profits come from taking calculated action. Sometimes self-doubt can trip us up or maybe we don't know which idea we should tackle first. That's why getting an outside perspective of a coach can be so rewarding.

Heather deeply dives into Carrie Brummer's current offerings, including a virtual art course with online support. Through their conversation, Carrie finds validation on pricing her worth. She also has some ah-ha moments triggered by their off-the-cuff brainstorming. If you're a creative trying to monetize your talents, tune in. Their conversation includes membership, pricing fine art, creating community, and much more. 

Contact and Follow Carrie Brummer: Website - Instagram 
Artist Strong: Website - Instagram 
Free Art Training: Drawing Class - Embellished Print

For more info, see complete show notes:  https://www.getthebalanceright.net/blog/episode102

Contact Heather: Instagram - LinkedIn
Profit Tracker Tool: Download
Heather’s Passion to Profits Group Program: Register
Get the Balance Right Coaching: Website
Book a Discovery Call (via Zoom) - Schedule
Heather & Get the Balance Right - LinkTree
Zeitzwolfe Accounting: Website - Facebook

Contact Heather: Instagram - LinkedIn - Email: [email protected]
Get Radical With Your Business: Facebook - Website
Book a Discovery Call (via Zoom) - Schedule
Zeitzwolfe Accounting: Website - Facebook