At a time when the number of available workplace tools is exploding, how can a company meet employee demands for technology while not overwhelming them with choice?

In this episode of Get Reworked, Tope Sadiku, global head of digital employee experience at The Kraft Heinz Company discusses how she takes a human-centric approach to delivering personalized digital experiences to the multinational food company's employees. 

"Really, for me, it's less of a tools focus .... I don't want to have a conversation really, when I'm trying to scope something out, about tools and capabilities so specifically, where someone's saying, 'OK, I like the visual of this. I'm used to this, I've used this in a previous team, a previous company.' It's less about that. It's more about, what are we actually trying to achieve? And then we can say, OK, what's the best way to achieve that goal?" said Tope.

Highlights of the conversation include:

What a delightful digital employee experience looks like. Striking the balance between offering employees technology options and decision fatigue.  How Kraft Heinz ties ESG into the digital employee experience. How regular tool audits fit into tool acquisition discussions. How Tope moved from a career in finance to leading digital employee experience.

Plus, host Siobhan Fagan talks with Tope about how to reduce friction in workplace technology, how pizza toppings relate to digital personalization and whether hot dog flavored popsicles are a good or bad idea. Listen in for more.

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