Kerryn is an international speaker and author, facilitator, and podcast host.

For many years Kerryn lived the self-focused rockstar life, until the fateful day her younger sister was diagnosed with cancer. Sadly, Carolyn lost her battle, which made Kerryn believe she was a failure for not being able to save her sister. This catapulted Kerryn into a journey of searching for meaning, eventually leading her to discover the pearls of altruism.

After 11 years of frustration and pain, she finally realised that the answers lie within and that she had the power to slam her own stake in the ground and build her life on her terms with the clear focus of impact.

Since that realisation, Kerryn’s award winning book ‘Magnificent Kids!’ was the catalyst to her founding the global organisation One Planet Classrooms, which facilitates projects such as clean water solutions and student sponsorship program, to schools and communities in Africa.

Kerryn then launched Girls With Hammers which hosts conferences and workshops aimed at empowering and connecting women, has released her second book ‘Get Off The Bench!’ to help people bring their ideas to life, and brought the ‘Get Off The Bench!’ Podcast to life after a number of false starts and a stint of despair.



LinkedIn: Kerryn Vaughan

FB: Get Off The Bench - Kerryn Vaughan

Insta: Kerryn Vaughan @getoffthebench