Doug Moczynski started Gippsland Adventure Therapy because he has a burning passion for helping people access the outdoors and nature for increased mental health and wellbeing. He loves sharing experiences with others, and is at his personal best when he's engaged in something outdoors and can see the joy in peoples faces when they feel safe to try something new and challenging.

Doug has been working in the outdoor industry since 2003 where he’s had many roles spanning everything from camp counsellor in the USA to English teaching in China to snow skiing instructor and commercial outdoor adventure guide.

Over the past decade Doug has committed himself to working with youth in the out of home care sector where he has and continues to, work with children dealing with the challenges of developmental trauma.

Having completed a Graduate Certificate in developmental trauma, as well as a Diploma in Community Service work and outdoor recreation, Doug plans to round things off with a Diploma of Counselling. 

No adventure is too small, and Doug’s priority is making it accessible to the participant’s level of comfort, but is very happy to make things more challenging for those who wish to push things further.

When Doug’s not running his business, he's out with his family connecting with the beauty of the outdoors in and around Gippsland.



LinkedIn: Doug Moczynski

FB: Gippsland Adventure Therapy

Insta: Doug Moczynski @gippslandadventuretherapy 


Dr Scott Miller PhD

Dr Will Dobud PhD

Enjoy the visual here on Youtube