Brock Williams is a 4th year chiropractic student who left his home town of Rosedale to pursue his career. But with his heart still back in Rosedale, and a mate with cancer requiring ongoing care, Brock decided to take on a challenge to show his support to his mate Xavier.

His big audacious goal was to run 1,000 kilometres from Adelaide to Rosedale and raise money and awareness for children’s cancer, and specifically for the Sony Foundation Australia.

Brock raised $45,000 which is estimated to help up to 300 families with away from home accommodation while supporting their loved one in hospital.

While crossing the finish line in his beloved home town was as grand as a king’s homecoming, the challenges he faced along the way were not so wonderful. Multiple physical injuries and unkind weather conditions, also left Brock also battling the mental demons until he finally overcome all that was thrown at him and glided through the final few days

Brock’s ultimate message to anybody who’ll listen, is that he’s just an ordinary guy who found something bigger than himself to care about, and with meaning and purpose, we can do anything.


Insta: Brock Williams @brockwilliamss

FB: Brock Williams

Enjoy the visual here on Youtube