Are your romance scenes feeling a bit deflated? Are your sexy scenes more rote than a project of passion?   USA Today Bestselling Author, Cara Bristol, has the answers to give your romantic activities and love scenes the pep they need.   Cara has written a thesaurus and sex scene writing guide for romance authors to help make your sexy scenes sizzle and snap. You will never be stuck for clean or saucy words or phrases again to describe our bits and pieces, our different senses, nice and naughty sexy acts, and so much more.   Naughty Words for Nice Writers: A Romance Novel Thesaurus with Cara Bristol is available at Amazon:

Are your romance scenes feeling a bit deflated? Are your sexy scenes more rote than a project of passion?   USA Today Bestselling Author, Cara Bristol, has the answers to give your romantic activities and love scenes the pep they need.   Cara has written a thesaurus and sex scene writing guide for romance authors to help make your sexy scenes sizzle and snap. You will never be stuck for clean or saucy words or phrases again to describe our bits and pieces, our different senses, nice and naughty sexy acts, and so much more.   Naughty Words for Nice Writers: A Romance Novel Thesaurus with Cara Bristol is available at Amazon: