Everyone knows how important sleep is when it comes to optimizing health.  Most everything else doesn’t matter a thing if you aren’t getting quality sleep. Sleep is important for both mental and physical well-being.

Ten hours of fragmented or poor-quality sleep won't be as healthy as seven hours of decent, restorative sleep. So what are best practices when it comes to getting quality sleep?

#1 Minimize artificial light after dark - Stop using electronic devices like a cellphone or laptop or watching television a minimum of 30 minutes before you go to bed.

Get Blue light glasses and minimize light sources in your homeHimalayan salt lamp is a great night light or switch out white bulbs for orange bulbs

#2 Come up with a relaxing pre-bedtime routine about an hour before

reading a book or taking a bath or meditation

#3 Create a sleep sanctuary 

Bedroom for be for SLEEP ONLY - not an office desk, no computers, phones or TV screens (never had a TV in my room)Create a pitch dark sleep experience while keeping it cool (somewhere between 60-67 degrees)

#4 Keep a consistent sleep schedule

Over time, your melatonin production and release will naturally adapt to the time you're going to sleep.  You're going to get big improvements in your sleep quality from sticking to a consistent sleep schedule.

#5 Workout during the day (getting a good sweat in will help you settle down in the evening) and not too close to bedtime. Optimizing your exercise routine can potentially help you sleep better and getting an adequate amount of sleep may promote healthier physical activity levels during the day.  At least 30 minutes will suffice- 

#6  Avoid beverages with caffeine around six hours before you go to bed and alcohol within three hours.  Caffeine can make it difficult for you to fall asleep and alcohol can cause disrupted sleep.  By taking these steps you are prioritizing sleep and everything else will fall into place

I hope these tips help you get better quality sleep so you can be the best version of yourself everyday

Please share this with anyone who needs help with getting quality sleep.

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