How can Martial Arts offer benefits to your daily life?

In this episode, I am lucky to be joined by Jeff Hardy, owner of Bodyworks Martial Arts Center since 1980. Jeff explains that his Martial Arts Center is like a family; when you walk into his facility, you can feel the good vibes. We speak about the inspiration behind Jeff’s career in the Martial Arts field.

Later, we talk about what it’s like to run a business during a global pandemic. When the pandemic started, Jeff wasted no time getting virtual classes started. Luckily, his Martial Arts family supported him. It was challenging to switch to virtual classes; however, it has kept his business going. Plus, people really appreciated the virtual classes until the center was able to open again. Tune in as we talk about the belt system, what Jeff’s training looks like today, and the importance of building systems in your business.

In This Episode:

About Jeff Hardy [ 1:30 ] Why Jeff makes his business feel like a family [ 8:50 ] How Jeff got started in Martial Arts [ 12:40 ] The changes that Jeff made when the pandemic started [ 21:20 ] How the belt system works in Martial Arts [ 27:30 ] Why there is no ending to your Martial Arts practice [ 34:50 ] What Jeff’s training looks like today [ 43:15 ] The importance of building systems in your business [ 51:05 ] Jeff reveals his “why” and talks about the importance of mentorship [ 54:20]



“We teach kids how to learn.” “Martial Arts is all about positive reinforcement.” “The more control you have, the more contact you can have.” “The more you grow, the more you realize there is to gain.”

Links Mentioned: 

Check out our website: Jeff’s Facebook: Bodyworks Martial Arts Center: Bodyworks Martial Arts Center on Facebook: Call Bodyworks Martial Arts Center: (603) 225-5620