Meet Julie Tuton, my next Get Happy Podcast guest.  Not only is she a beautiful energetic creature of magnitude, she is an entrepreneur creating beauty with her custom made jewelry line, an author of the best selling book, “Beauty in the Break-up” and a certified facilitator of the Access Consciousness movement. In this conversation, she invites us to to turn up our sparkle, and from her perspective and personal experience, it IS possible!  Listen for more of her inspiring story of how she found her sparkle and began sharing it with others!   Where to find Julie:   Where to find Ru:   This podcast was inspired by Rudrani’s third book, "CHOOSING HAPPINESS, an uncommon way to find JOY in your Life”, also available in Spanish, Portuguese and on audio:        

Meet Julie Tuton, my next Get Happy Podcast guest.  Not only is she a beautiful energetic creature of magnitude, she is an entrepreneur creating beauty with her custom made jewelry line, an author of the best selling book, “Beauty in the Break-up” and a certified facilitator of the Access Consciousness movement. In this conversation, she invites us to to turn up our sparkle, and from her perspective and personal experience, it IS possible!  Listen for more of her inspiring story of how she found her sparkle and began sharing it with others!   Where to find Julie:   Where to find Ru:   This podcast was inspired by Rudrani’s third book, "CHOOSING HAPPINESS, an uncommon way to find JOY in your Life”, also available in Spanish, Portuguese and on audio: