For as far back as I can remember, I’ve been obsessed with getting big things accomplished in the most efficient way possible. I think this is because I have so many things I love and I want time to do them well — and enjoy myself. 

In my early career, I didn’t prioritize taking care of myself. Eventually, that led to extreme burnout and a need to redesign the way I worked. I left one job and moved to another with better hours and better money … but I still wasn’t prioritizing ME the way I needed to. Enter more burnout … 

When I started my own business, I had more time to myself, but was hustling my butt off to get the business off the ground. Then I started having babies and doing my best to “balance” motherhood with work. It was not easy.

The truth I finally realized: “The better I take care of myself, the more wealth I create.”

I turn 47 years old this week (May 23!) and can honestly say I’m in the best shape of my life. When I say this, I’m not just talking about my health, I’m talking about my work, my relationships, my support system. I AM IN THE BEST SHAPE OF MY LIFE.

On this episode, we are diving into how to own this next-level vibe for yourself. This is the vibe of an ENERGY QUEEN.

I’m excited to go on this Coach Magic ride with you. Buckle up and let’s go.