Previous Episode: How to Plan Your Week

I’m 9 years sober today! What a ride getting to this point. Hardest part was when alcohol was still in my life. Once I decided I was done, life got a lot easier and more fun.

Sobriety has taught me that taking exquisite care of me is my biggest responsibility. When I do this, I’m able to pour into others from a place of fullness vs depletion. Sobriety = living a life beyond your wildest dreams.

Is it always easy? No. The world is going to world and you’ll need to deal with that — but you can and you will.

Is it worth it? 100% Yes. This is one of the best decisions I’ve ever made.

Will you need to let go of people, places and things that aren’t a fit for you? Yes - and this is a good thing. Promise.

To celebrate this milestone, I’m sharing some benefits and lessons I’ve learned on this sobriety journey. I’m excited to go on this Coach Magic ride with you. Buckle up and let’s go.