The internet is no longer safe! Get Good is back and we learn the hard way to never search Google Images for pokemon, Safe Search on or not. Strap yourselves and and hold on to your butts as Spiffy and Raz guide you blindly through the wild, terrible frontier that is the interwebs!

Pokemon Sun & Moon’s starters are revealed. Watch as people are smitten by fire cat Litten, howl at dapper Rowlet, and cry ‘Oh no!’ to poor Popplio.They’ve also snuck in a snippet of a Shiba looking pokemon. Be sure to check out Spiffy’s surprisingly safe for work searches hereand here.Nintendo announced two new freemium games, Fire Emblem and Animal Harvest Crossing Moon.EA News Bomb! It’s like getting carpetbombed by indifference!After six years, Civilization VI is coming and Ghandi is ready to shove his nukes straight up your ass again.Quick update on the Lionhead closure. People still think Fable is worth $100 mil?As mentioned on the podcast, Bioware voice actor Greg Ellis went missing Wednesday. He came home after four days and is safe and sound.

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Intro and Outro credit: 
“La La Triroriro” By Rolemusic (
Licensed under Creative Commons: Attribution 4.0