TELL ME I'M PRETTY! Then hit that play button and join us for the latest episode of Get Good Podcast. Ryan dives deeper into his Stellaris addiction, meanwhile Nick rips and tears with way through Hell in Doom. We take a break from our addictions to fill you in on the latest gaming news and toss Nintendo back back in the Angry Dome. But wait...might they find their way out this week? Tune in and find out!


Pokemon GO! Beta is available to register for North America, New Zealand, and Australia. Prepare for a glorified Safari Zone, gym battles, and the most difficult battle of all: Avoiding traffic! Bando Namcai released a trailer for their latest installment in the unkillable Dragon Ball franchise, Xenoverse 2.Get ready to kill with skill one more time! Maybe... Bulletstorm and Gears of War: Judgement devs People Can Fly are gearing up to make a new AAA shooter!Anytime you get mad at a delayed game, just be glad it's not a Square Enix game. 11 years since the release of Kingdom Hearts 2 and we still may not see part 3 until next year.Capcom might be on the road to recovery! Quality releases, healthy post-release support, and now maybe a promise to repair the Resident Evil franchise.If Kojima teamed up with Dark Souls devs and NASA, Ludens would be the product of their combined madness.There is a Tetris movie in development. It is part of a trilogy. It has a budget of $80 million. There is nothing funny here. Move along. 

Because Nintendo can't tell us ANYTHING about the NX, here's your weekly NX Rumor pool. The NX is said not to be a successor or replacement for the Wii U or 3DS. Interestingly enough, the NX is said to use ARM architecture, which is common in mobile devices, instead of the console standard x86. This would save on power, but make it difficult for developers to make cross platform games.

Bonus round: Ryan's SD card findings.

Visit Souls veteran Iron Pineapple's Youtube channel and watch him screw with PvP in the best ways possible!

Sequel to walking simulator and obtuse puzzle game The TALOS Principle is confirmed to be in development, but not officially in case anyone asks.

In Spiffy's Suggestion corner this week, we have I Wanna be the Boshy and Wings of Vi. You know, in case you thought Dark Souls was easy and you're good at games.

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Intro and Outro credit: 
“La La Triroriro” By Rolemusic (
Licensed under Creative Commons: Attribution 4.0