In today's episode, I sit down with Sabrina Scholkowski, a podcast coach and host of the Pretty Sure Podcast.

In This Episode: 

- How Sabrina got started in the podcasting space and how she became a podcast coach

- A little about Sabrina's former career in the fashion and beauty space

- A typical day in Sabrina's life

- Sabrina's favorite (and least favorite) part of her day

- and so much more

Links Mentioned: 

Sabrina's Website:

Sabrina's Instagram: 

Pretty Sure Podcast:

About Sabrina Scholkowski: 

Sabrina is a former fashion/beauty marketing & PR expert turned entrepreneur. She's overcome bullying, self-esteem issues & lack of confidence and has made her mess become her message. She fell in love with podcasting when she started Pretty Sure Podcast, a show for millennials and underdogs still figuring life out & looking for confidence, and now coaches other millennial entrepreneurs on how to take their story and create podcasts that impact lives and grow their businesses.