Daniel Mitel’s career as the master of meditation began when he was a child. He would sit on top of an overturned washbucket, staring at nothing in particular concentrating on nothing for hours on end. He was introduced to Zen meditation in his early adolescence. As he grew he began to travel around the world to seek instruction from other masters in meditation and spiritual exercises. He is now the head of The School of the Heart. His partner, Agthi Christodoulidi was a successful lawyer who left it aside to pursue her spiritual goals and is now a Master Teacher with The School of the Heart, a HearthMath Coach, as well as co-founder of Motivate-Yourself. They, along with Luke Sellars, join this episode of Get a Grip on Life to share their stories and wisdom.

After the biographical discussion ends with a coincidence of shared thought about Leonardo da Vinci the conversation flows through ideas about parenthood, the nature of children, the feminine energy pervading the world now, competition, whether the fluidity present in life is truly chaotic, and heart meditation’s role in regulating the parasympathetic nervous system.

There’s a Copernican revolution coming into how we view our internal lives, and the gaps in between religion and spirituality will be resolved, according to Daniel, the future is brighter now that it ever has been.

Agathi takes a turn, explaining how to show the ‘crazy’ parts of their wisdom, rather than telling. we also go into the definition of love and the difference between being in love or within love.
She touches on the principles of HeartMath and how it interacts with their teachings. Too many people are living as zombies and they believe their meditation can bring about greater internal and interpersonal harmony.

The episode breaks for a Heart imagery exercise, in which we seek gifts from the higher self. After that the discussion winds down with ideas related to thinking and feeling and how to be a good citizen of the spiritual realm.

Meditation music by Kevin Macleod

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