2022.04.10 – 0465 – Your Audience Reminder


That person should be:

·        A specific person

·        A real person – so not a character in a film

·        Someone to whom you have some connection – so not a celebrity

·        Not someone who might be disapproving or with whom you have a parent /child relationship – such as your actual parent!

·        Not someone who is too supportive and in whose eyes you can do no wrong – so again, maybe not a parent

·        Someone you know well and respect – such as a sister, uncle, old university lecturer

·        Someone who is encouraging and can give constructive feedback and who will be interested in what you are saying – like… well, that’s up to you! It’ll be a different for each of us depending on who we know and our relationship with them

·        If you can’t have a real person who you know, then have a clear idea of your ‘composite listener’


But ideally it will be someone to whom the message you are giving will have some kind of resonance, someone who will find it interesting and of use. Your aunt may fit the criteria above, but it’s no good ‘talking to her’ if you’re in a voice-over booth trying to sell a new pair of sneakers. If you are lecturing to a theatre of undergrad chemists, it’s probably not helpful to picture your grandmother. If you are speaking with a board, then it may not be appropriate to picture an undergrad chemist.

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