Genetic Engineering and Society Center

GES Colloquium - Tuesdays 12-1PM (via Zoom) NC State University |
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Cotton is our Culture, Julius Tillery of BlackCotton.Us speaks on why
Julius Tillery, Founder of BlackCotton.Us

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Julius Tillery, Founder of BlackCotton.Us, will discuss why cotton is our culture.


Julius Tillery is the founder of BlackCotton.Us and he will discuss his journey as a 5th generation African American cotton farmer in Northampton. In his journey, founding BlackCotton.Us company that tagline: Cotton is our Culture. Julius will detail why the culture of cotton production is important to be known for the marketplace.

Related links:

YouTube – Faces of Change: Julius Tillery and Jamaal Garner

Speaker Bio

Julius Tillery is a 5th Generation life-long row crop commodities producer (cotton, soybeans, peanuts) from Northeastern, North Carolina. Julius is a rural economic development advocate and is also known for his entrepreneurial business role as Founder of BlackCotton.Us.

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