Genetic Engineering and Society Center

GES Colloquium - Tuesdays 12-1PM (via Zoom) NC State University |
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Decision Heuristics and Biases, Community Engagement and Justice

Or, "Things are really F$%&ed up, and they have been for a long time, has my work or field of study contributed to this sad state of affairs?"

Or, taken a step farther, "Am I an agent of oppression?"

Most cognitive psychology decision-making models recognize the dual importance of logical analysis and emotions in the decision-making process. However, there is focus in the research literature, and wider society, on the biases and heuristics associated with the overuse of emotions in how we make decisions. How does this biased conceptualization of cognitive decision-making influence how we engage with underserved communities around issues of justice? Especially from a structural perspective. This is an exploratory presentation that will engage with some of these ideas.

Guest Speaker

Dr. Louie Rivers (@lriversiii) is an assistant professor in the Department of Forestry and Environmental Resources at North Carolina State University. His research focuses on the examination of risk and decision process in minority and marginalized communities, particularly in regards to the natural environment and juvenile crime. Louie really likes comic books and running.

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