Alex and Jim discuss 'knowing your shit', a tremendous dipshit sometimes called Bernd, the E.U. Parliament election, Weed and a tad bit of soccer..

Sh*t You Should Know:
Bullshit - nonsense or lies
Dogshit - something of very low quality or value
Horseshit - nonsense or something worthless
Dipshit - a foolish or contemptible person
Apeshit - to become very angry or excited
Batshit - extremely crazy or irrational
Jackshit - nothing at all
Chicken-shit - cowardly or petty
Ratshit - extremely tired or exhausted
Shitshow - a chaotic or disastrous situation
Shithead - a contemptible person
Shitstorm - a situation characterized by a lot of trouble or controversy
Shithole - a very dirty or unpleasant place
Shitfaced - extremely drunk
Shitload - a large amount of something
Bullshit artist - someone who is particularly good at lying or deceiving
Shit-eating grin - a broad, often smug, smile
Piece of shit - something or someone considered worthless or despicable
Holy shit - an exclamation of surprise or disbelief
No shit - an expression of agreement or stating the obvious

Also,  Alex and Jim are meeting up in fall 2024! #lisboa

Also Also:

Alex forgot to submit his UEFA group winners. What a dipshit!

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