Luc Leboeuf is the coordinator of the EU-funded VULNER project, which examines the application of the concept of vulnerability in the adjudication of asylum cases. There is still no common legal understanding of “vulnerability”; it takes on different meanings in different contexts, and is becoming a tool of selection and exclusion as it evolves as a legal instrument. In this short, Leboeuf focuses on the methodological framework that he and the VULNER consortium developed to study how asylum seekers actually experience the way “vulnerability” is applied to their specific cases. The methodology combines doctrinal legal analysis based of ECtHR case law with an ethnographic approach to how the concept is being implemented by public servants in their daily practices of dealing with asylum seekers.

The article by Luc Leboeuf appeared as part of the Special Issue "Breaching the Boundaries of Law and Anthropology: New New Pathways for Legal Research" in September 2022 in GLJ 23:7.

Luc Leboeuf is the coordinator of the EU-funded VULNER project, which examines the application of the concept of vulnerability in the adjudication of asylum cases. There is still no common legal understanding of “vulnerability”; it takes on different meanings in different contexts, and is becoming a tool of selection and exclusion as it evolves as a legal instrument. In this short, Leboeuf focuses on the methodological framework that he and the VULNER consortium developed to study how asylum seekers actually experience the way “vulnerability” is applied to their specific cases. The methodology combines doctrinal legal analysis based of ECtHR case law with an ethnographic approach to how the concept is being implemented by public servants in their daily practices of dealing with asylum seekers.

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Production & Color Grading - Media & Communications MPI for Social Anthropology
Editing - Emma Eder