I need to get honest with you about sex.

Because I love it, and believe that celebrating mindful, “conscious sex” is essential for gay men’s dignity. 

My last "Being A Man," or BAM, episode was about moving from oppression to celebration; and I barely mentioned sex at all.

After a long discussion with my boyfriend regarding my struggle writing that episode, I realized that I had let my socialized, American, fear about sex, launch me into a clumsy, diatribe about fear itself, and my fear of just talking about what I really want.

So let’s talk about the sex we have and the reasons we can celebrate it.

After all, it just makes sense for a podcast “for gay men” to address the one and only thing that all gay men have in common, the urge to merge, the passion that surges in our balls, our gut, our brains, and our hearts, to seek out and touch other men, intimately.

We talked about:

Consent [6:25]Sex and Relationships [14:21]Fuck Buddies [17:53]

Mentioned in this episode

Be Here Now by Ram DassGuy BaldwinPolyamory


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