In the podcast episode we chat with Evo Terra . Some of you might remember him from season 2 of the Bangkok Podcast with Co-Host Greg Jorgensen, However, Evo’s podcast history goes back much farther than this. In fact, one of his podcasts was the 40th podcast of all time (there are rumored to be about 700,000ish podcasts listed in Apple Podcasts right now) and he wrote the first Podcasting for Dummies books. We recorded this interview about the time of his one year reverse culture shock anniversary (exexpatsary?) returning to the U.S. after living in Bangkok, Thailand for a few years. He selected the book, Working With The Thais to talk about.


This book helped him understand the work environment culture clashes that he had when he first arrived in Thailand. Evo was someone who saw culture clashes and chose to learn what was happening and what to do to change himself to make his time there enjoyable for everyone involved. That is not to say that there weren’t bumps in the road, and that is where some hilarious culture clash stories make it into this episode. This is far from two Americans bitching about Asian culture: this is about being a foreigner in a foreign land (it would have been too cliche to use that other book title here, right?) and realizing that it is YOU that is the problem, not them. 

 If you like this episode, feel free to buy me a coffee!



Evo is most active on Twitter,


You can find him in these places online: 

Evo’s website:

Simpler Media Productions:

Podcast Pontifications Podcast,





The Bangkok Podcast,

Working With The Thais (book)

Experience Preferred But Not Required (about TEFL Teachers),

The Windup Girl (Thai SciFi book),

Three Body Problem by Liu Cixin (SciFi book)

The Dragon Page (podcast)

Podcasting For Dummies (book)

For Podcasters: here is a presentation that Evo did for International Podcast Day a few years ago on podcast organization with spreadsheets that is inspiring and time saving. Evo Terra - The Process of Podcasting Has Nothing To Do With Audio Editing,

Where to find the Geopats Podcast:Subscribe on : iOS , Android devices, RSS OR join our email list: for weekly podcasting updates

Would love to hear from you! Socials: Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, YouTube & Speakpipe (leave a voice message)

Be a guest: Are you or were you an expat? Did you read a book about your host country that you moved you, inspired you and/or helped you understand the culture more? Come join us on the new bookish focused Expat Rewind. 

Music courtesy of Damon Castillo, Song "Rocket of Love" on the "Mess of Me" album

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