The Global Soul by Pico Iyer is a seminal geopat book. Stephanie and Summer (Steph’s Co-Host on the new podcast ( ) dig into this book in a very big way. This is not a regular episode because Steph is not interviewing Summer about her reading story but instead they are discussing both of their reactions to this book. Summer read this book for the first time recently thanks (or no thanks, lol) to Steph’s persistent recommendation and Steph tried to reread it for the first time since she fell in love with it in 2002.    


( is a book by Travel Writer and resident geopat word inspiration, Pico Iyer, who calls his comfort place “nowhereness.” He has spent most of his writing efforts detailing his fly on the wall perspective of various cultures in his numerous books like Lady and the Monk, The Art of Stillness and Video Night in Kathmandu.The  Global Soul was first published in 2000, when more and more of us geopats started to make very conscious choices about living outside our “home” countries. In this book Pico touches on many aspects of culture IN many differing places such as Canada, Japan and Hong Kong. But it is the sense of place and the inner turmoil that stirs within his own placelessness that is the connecting thread in all of these stories written in all of these places. In essence,The Global Soul is a study on the intensity and depth of grief of not having a place and of having too many places all at once. 

This contradiction or more so the mere invitation to ponder place and our role in it is what initially drew Steph to this book. She has recommended this book over and over since she first read it in 2001. The book and Pico’s other geopat ideas have also made their way into her expat based podcasts over the past two years as well. 

WARNING: We do NOT recommend that you wait until you read The Global Soul before listening to this podcast episode. Unlike most book based podcasts, you might want to hold off on reading the book until you hear why it was such a challenge for Summer and Steph to get through. I dare not spoil why but I/we promise that if you listen to this episode, all will be revealed. 

If you have any comments or questions about this episode, please feel free to connect with Steph on any social media platform, stephfuccio. 

For more Bookish Expats epiosodes on the Geopats Podcast, go to ( or search for “Geopats” in your podcast app. Feel free to connect with me to ask any questions, let me know what you think about the episodes, or to volunteer to be a guest on the podcast. My handle is “Stephfuccio” literally everywhere online AND it is my Gmail address as well. 

Summer’s Info: 

-Instagram: (  

-“Discovering Cheese and Tradition in the Swedish North”  (

-Her food blog: (

-Summer’s recent interview on the Expat Chit Chat Show (

-Summer’s interview with Nicole of the Expat Cast Podcast (

Other Voices in this Episode: (in order)

- Damon Castillo: Background music: (

The song we use on Bookish Expats is “I Will Remain” from Damon’s “Mess of Me” album. You can hear the entire song at the end of the episode with Damon’s amazing voice. All of his music, concert info and such can be found at ( If you are lucky enough to live in or near the Central Coast, CA, US, you can catch him and his band live this summer, they have concerts planned in SLO, Paso, Santa Maria and Nipomo. In fact, if you are listening to this episode on July 5th, there is even a show in Paso at 5:30pm tonight!

- Bettina and Ninorah of (

People’s Podcast...


The Global Soul by Pico Iyer is a seminal geopat book. Stephanie and Summer (Steph’s Co-Host on the new podcast Creatively Complicated) dig into this book in a very big way. This is not a regular episode because Steph is not interviewing Summer about her reading story but instead they are discussing both of their reactions to this book. Summer read this book for the first time recently thanks (or no thanks, lol) to Steph’s persistent recommendation and Steph tried to reread it for the first time since she fell in love with it in 2002.    


The Global Soul is a book by Travel Writer and resident geopat word inspiration, Pico Iyer, who calls his comfort place “nowhereness.” He has spent most of his writing efforts detailing his fly on the wall perspective of various cultures in his numerous books like Lady and the Monk, The Art of Stillness and Video Night in Kathmandu.The  Global Soul was first published in 2000, when more and more of us geopats started to make very conscious choices about living outside our “home” countries. In this book Pico touches on many aspects of culture IN many differing places such as Canada, Japan and Hong Kong. But it is the sense of place and the inner turmoil that stirs within his own placelessness that is the connecting thread in all of these stories written in all of these places. In essence,The Global Soul is a study on the intensity and depth of grief of not having a place and of having too many places all at once. 

This contradiction or more so the mere invitation to ponder place and our role in it is what initially drew Steph to this book. She has recommended this book over and over since she first read it in 2001. The book and Pico’s other geopat ideas have also made their way into her expat based podcasts over the past two years as well. 

WARNING: We do NOT recommend that you wait until you read The Global Soul before listening to this podcast episode. Unlike most book based podcasts, you might want to hold off on reading the book until you hear why it was such a challenge for Summer and Steph to get through. I dare not spoil why but I/we promise that if you listen to this episode, all will be revealed. 

If you have any comments or questions about this episode, please feel free to connect with Steph on any social media platform, stephfuccio. 

For more Bookish Expats epiosodes on the Geopats Podcast, go to or search for “Geopats” in your podcast app. Feel free to connect with me to ask any questions, let me know what you think about the episodes, or to volunteer to be a guest on the podcast. My handle is “Stephfuccio” literally everywhere online AND it is my Gmail address as well. 

Summer’s Info: 


-“Discovering Cheese and Tradition in the Swedish North”

-Her food blog:

-Summer’s recent interview on the Expat Chit Chat Show

-Summer’s interview with Nicole of the Expat Cast Podcast

Other Voices in this Episode: (in order)

- Damon Castillo: Background music:

The song we use on Bookish Expats is “I Will Remain” from Damon’s “Mess of Me” album. You can hear the entire song at the end of the episode with Damon’s amazing voice. All of his music, concert info and such can be found at If you are lucky enough to live in or near the Central Coast, CA, US, you can catch him and his band live this summer, they have concerts planned in SLO, Paso, Santa Maria and Nipomo. In fact, if you are listening to this episode on July 5th, there is even a show in Paso at 5:30pm tonight!

- Bettina and Ninorah of NRI Woman: Intro:

People’s Podcast Award: Vote here

Also, Bettina and Ninorah will be part of Heather’s Sunshine Summit in August 2019

- Heather: (27:44);  Sunshine Summit & Sunshine and Powercuts Podcast 

Recommended episodes:

Ebb and Flow;
Brief intro into our off grid system;
Connections: Sunshine, Powercuts, Summit:

- Shankar and Vishnu (43:47) of the Writer and Geek Podcast

Recommended Episodes: 

Ice Cream;
Welcome to the show ;

Links (in order)

-Big Magic by Elizabeth Gilbert (chapter 5 is amazing!)

-Bangkok Podcast, episode 63, Ed talked about language loudness when returning home 

Where to find Bookish Expats Podcast:Subscribe on : iOS ,Android devices, RSS 

Would love to hear from you! Socials: Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn,YouTube & Speakpipe (leave a voice message)

Be a guest: Are you or were you an expat? Did you read a book about your host country that you moved you, inspired you and/or helped you understand your host culture more? Come join us on Bookish Expats. 

Music courtesy of Damon Castillo, Song "I Will Remain" on the "Mess of Me" album

Check out all of our projects here:

This episode was created with:

My microphone, Samson Q2U
Remote video software, Zoom
Auphonic, leveling software
Podbean hosting site: Get 1 month free,

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