Before we begin to dive into the miraculous nature of Islam, it’s important to debunk the common criticisms broadly perpetuated against Islam and the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). Many curious newcomers to Islam fall victim to these claims, taking them at face value and are successfully turned away from ever exploring the core Message and the proofs brought forth by the Messenger.

In this episode, we will focus on the marriage of the Prophet with Aisha Binte Abu Bakr - the young daughter of his best friend, neighbor and disciple - Abu Bakr.

"The Miracle of Islam" is an episode based series that will focus on a rational approach and logical understanding on why Islam is a message revealed from the Creator of the Universe. We look outside the box at historic incidents, various well-documented evidences, and present a point of view rooted in rational logic and unbiased common sense. In addition, we explore why the Islamic message is logically sound and applies to our day-to-day lives and leads to a sound, fulfilling existence, that only the Creator could have sent forth.

For show notes, resources and relevant links check out our website at:

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