00:00 - Florida, Texas, cyberattack, "climate emergency," war with Russia, Putin, Biden

12:10 - Attempting to ground Ray's nutritional ideas, people copying Ray's work without credit

13:02 - Copying someone else before being able to become yourself, Wilhelm Reich, translation as an act of creation

17:27 - Eating as our closest interaction with the world, how Ray thinks about nutrition, body temperature

20:17 - Appetite and metabolism, voting of the intelligent population of cells

22:59 - Variety in the diet, hysteresis, memories in tissue, Rupert Sheldrake, cellular communication

30:41 - Is EMF capable of interfering with cellular communication?

38:39 - EMF causes cells to uptake calcium, vitamin D, and calcium help reduce intracellular calcium by lowering PTH

39:54 - Danny's take on basic requirements for a human living in 2021 based on what he's learned from Ray, is there an optimal amount of fat? Loss of subcutaneous fat and the look of old age, Randle cycle

47:22 - How do testosterone, progesterone, and DHT cause fat loss without increasing lipolysis and fat oxidation? Progesterone, thyroid, and magnesium reversing "addiction" and cirrhosis

52:50 - Hypothyroidism, gallbladder disease, light stools

53:54 - Ray on the importance of protein, albumin, proteolytic enzymes, easy to overdo the protein lowering thyroid function, gelatin, tryptophan

01:00:30 - Is there a base amount of carbohydrate for stress resistance in 2021?

01:02:35 - Sorbitol, prune juice, laxative, emodin, xylitol

01:05:52 - Alternatives if sweet orange juice isn't available? Tortillas, orange juice concentrate, sour orange juice contains more citric acid that can irritate a person's digestion

01:09:51 - Did they change the Mexican coke recipe?

01:14:01 - Regular consumption of liver, eggs, and oysters

01:16:37 - Why are liver and oysters difficult to digest?

01:18:59 - What brand of oysters does Ray use? How does he eat them?

01:20:25 - Salt and gelatin for sleep, the amount of salt for normal functioning?

01:23:16 - What's an optimal amount of calcium per day? PTH, uncoupling proteins, lithium

01:25:09 - Calcium vs. magnesium for suppressing PTH, magnesium absorption and retention in hypothyroidism

01:28:24 - Cytokines activating the stress systems because of the failure of energy

01:30:31 - What is Ray working on?