00:00 - Skip setup music, inflation, universal basic income, gold, bitcoin

08:49 - What are ways to opt-out of the system?

10:36 - Ray's new newsletter: Inflammation, adaptation, and aging

12:16 - What is inflammation?

14:11 - Does inflammation exist without PUFA?

16:16 - Is lactic acid the first "signal" for inflammation?

17:23 - Stem cell renewal, oxygen, carbon dioxide, stem cell therapy, high altitude

22:59 - Are oxidative stress and inflammation synonymous terms? Rate of living theory, Hayflick limit, continuous creation, Artistotle

30:19 - Tissue injury makes a person susceptible to bacteria, viruses, and fungi

32:22 - If a person gets a vaccine, are they harmful to be around?

36:57 - "It’s my considered view that it is entirely possible that [coronavirus vaccines] will be used for massive-scale depopulation.” — Former Pfizer VP and Chief Science Officer Mike Yeadon (2021)

42:04 - John Magufuli's mysterious death

44:33 - Ray's thoughts on men, women, and children using Progest-E, ~5-10 milligrams is an average anti-stress dose

53:37 - Thyroid consumption in traditional diets

55:07 - What would Ray suggest if a person has issues with cynoplus?

57:37 - 1/2 a traditional grain of thyroid is close to 1/4 of a cynoplus tablet

01:00:10 - Question: declining health with digital learning and lockdowns, the meaning of the mask, the purpose of the lockdowns, making organization impossible

01:09:07 - Andrew Cuomo getting metooed

01:10:58 - Ray's experience with the CIA's 'finders' operation, Blake college

01:16:49 - Question: the loss of smell and taste with coronavirus, influenza, metallothionein, zinc deficiency, carbonic anhydrase, serotonin

01:23:09 - Question: mRNA vaccines, immunology, viruses, antiinflammaatories for bacterial, fungal and viral infections, cancer