If you're struggling to find meaning in your life, you're not alone. The journey to live out your why can take many paths, most of which can be the least we expect but, in the end, makes the most sense. In this episode, Erin Babcock shares how she lived out her why – by helping people through her Cannabis business. She and her business partner opened the doors of Primo Gardens Inc, a CBD retail and manufacturing lab that helps other people or businesses start their own unique CBD line and provides health and wellness products to regain balance. She shares her entrepreneurial and spiritual journey of finding purpose in her business. Erin also touches on the stereotypes and biases she had to deal with as a CEO of a cannabis business. She emphasizes how the purpose of businesses is deeper than just the products or services they sell. Moreover, Erin explores how there are many paths that can lead someone to a fulfilling life, from following your passion to creating your own opportunities. Tune in to discover the power of living with purpose and the many ways you can make it happen.