Piano Music courtesy of Harpeth Presbyterian Church.
Late breaking News 06 - 02 - (20-23) A Chinese spokesman admits that the Covid-19 virus “escaped from their lab”. I guess that puts the lid on the coffin “Wuhan Virus is racist.”
In a startlingly surprising announcement wind advocates claim to be able to recycle turbine blades There's not a bit of truth in that statement It’s a hoax designed to give them environmental cover!Currently, wind turbine blades are made of wood with a fiberglass cover which is the real culprit. There’s nothing to reclaim except the wooden interior & wooden paddles would have to be re-glassed after a good cleaning so the new coating would adhere. 
It was stated a chemical product would be used to dissolve the FRP, but the resulting soup would be a hazardous waste. The glass component of FRP is sand, potash & heat, and coated with a petro’-based resin. None of these ingredients are recoverable—any more than you can make a cow from hamburger.